Five Foods to Eat/Drink to Help with Weight Loss By Dr. Elisha Cook ND

With January brings the inevitable New Years Resolutions. For 45% of individuals last year (in the United States), their resolution involved getting in shape or losing weight. Weight loss is not just about calories in versus calories out, it is also about eating the right foods. The “right foods” differs between individuals, but there are several foods that cannot be ignored when it comes to their potential in aiding with weight loss (aside from incorporating more fruits and vegetables in general). Below we have a list of foods or items you might consider putting into your diet to help shed those couple extra pounds and why they are so great for you.

  1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are small black seeds that can be added to almost anything (though it is important to keep in mind that when they come in contact with fluid they gel slightly). They have many beneficial properties that help them in the goal of weight loss. Chia seeds are a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids (not substantial levels to compensate for supplementation), and fiber. These components help to increase energy, decrease appetite, decrease inflammation and improve digestion; all of which helps with the path to weight loss. A caution should be noted for individuals with certain digestive concerns such as diverticulitis as the fiber from the chia seeds can be problematic and caution should be taken.

2. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes can be beneficial for weight loss for the reason that they can be a substitute for a regular white potato, which can be high in sugar and in glycemic index. A sweet potato has fewer calories than a regular white potato, and is high in antioxidants and vitamin B6. All of this in combination reduces the storage of blood sugar in the form of fat in the body.

3. Hot Water with Lemon

Starting each day with hot water with a slice of lemon can be beneficial for weight loss for a number of reasons: it can increase metabolism, stimulate digestion, and stimulate detoxification. By supporting these processes in the body, the drink may help with hormone processing and eliminating toxins, which could be key components that are preventing one from losing weight. Some sources also suggest that this drink can provide vitamin C, which some studies suggest can be important in weight loss.

4. Green Tea

Research has shown that even just 1 cup of green tea per day can be enough to stimulate increased metabolism. Green tea can also act as a substitute for coffee and the potential to “drink your calories” through having sugary coffee beverages.

5. Water

Drinking water is important for many bodily processes and functions in general. In addition, feeling hungry could be a sign that we are actually thirsty. By curbing your appetite through drinking water first, this can help with weight loss. Research has suggested that drinking a glass of water before each meal helped to increase potential weight loss by 3lbs compared to individuals who did not drink water before meals. Water can also increase the amount of calories burned in one hour, after consuming 500ml of water.

For weight loss in general, it is important to focus on everything in moderation. Even consuming too much of “the good foods” can cause weight gain. Consider consulting with a Naturopathic Doctor (such as Dr. Elisha Cook ND) or other health care provider before embarking on your weight loss journey to make sure you are eating the right foods and right amounts for you.  

For more information like this, or to book an appointment with Dr. Elisha Cook ND at Plattsville Natural Health Clinic, please contact us at:


Text or Call: 226-232-7665


Please note the information contained in this article is not meant to replace medical advice. Please contact your health care provider or Dr. Elisha Cook for more specific information about your situation.

5 Ways to Increase Metabolism

Girl - Weight LossMany individuals are looking to different weight – loss techniques to help get ready for bikini season – this includes searching for different ways to increase your metabolism. Increasing metabolism can help with more than just weight loss – it can also help if an individual ate a trigger food and is experiencing uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, indigestion, or constipation. In regards to weight – loss, increasing metabolism can be useful for kick-starting your weight loss journey or for surpassing a plateau. As always, please consult with a health care professional before trying any of the below recommendations. If you are interested in losing weight please consult a health care provider such as myself to get the necessary support you need. Weight loss that is achieved too quickly can result in an individual gaining weight beyond where they initially started. If this is you, consider emailing me or calling the clinic to book your complimentary 15 min meet-and-greet session to talk about your goals.

  1. Hot water with lemon first thing in the morning – before having anything in the morning, have a hot water with lemon in it. The bitterness of this drink helps to stimulate the liver and kick start metabolism in a gentle manner, without the negative effects on blood sugar that coffee may have.
  2. Exercise in general – e.g. going for a 20 minute walk, jogging, etc. More specifically, weight or resistance training can be quite beneficial for increasing metabolism if you are exercising on a regular basis, but have plateaued with your weight. Any form of alteration to your regular routine with exercise; whether it is increasing a weight, switching to cardio from weight training, switching to weight training from cardio, etc; can result in increased metabolism.
  3. More frequent, smaller meals – having six smaller meals per day can be beneficial in increasing metabolism by keeping metabolism “active” for longer (when we eat, metabolism increases). Studies have also shown that being a “nibbler” versus “meal eating” may decrease risk of thyroid conditions, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders.
  4. Green tea – green tea can be beneficial for increasing metabolism that are not solely based on its caffeine content alone. Green tea consumption can results in such effects as increased fat oxidation and thermogenesis, both resulting in increased metabolism. The unfortunate drawback to green tea is that one would need to drink 5-6 cups of it per day to attain the metabolic effects from it.
  5. Intermittent fasting – intermittent fasting is not for everyone, but it can be beneficial in giving the gut time to heal and process contents, while boosting metabolism.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


Why a lot of quick – fix weight loss programs and supplements DO NOT work

Girl - Weight LossBillions of dollars are made in the weight loss industry. Many people strive to gain the perfect physique and pay much in order to reap the gains. Unfortunately, amongst many programs that do work to help people lose weight and keep it off, there are many programs that do not work in the long run. As a result, I hope to help debunk some of the mythical ideologies that some of these programs purport to work.

The Myths:

You can lose weight without diet changes and exercise. 

In order to maintain weight loss goals, you need to change your diet and increase exercise to a level that balances energy in and energy out. This differs between everyone, and so, you may require more or less calories, and more or less exercise than another individual.

You can lose a lot of weight all at once and keep it off.  

Unfortunately, this myth is the worst one of them all. In order to achieve weight loss that will last, an individual should not exceed losing 1-2 pounds per week. That being said, when an individual initially undertakes changing their diet and exercise patterns, they may undergo more than 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week, which is normal. Anything beyond the 1-2 pound weight loss puts an individual’s body into what I call “starvation mode”. As a result of this state, the body is more likely to accumulate weight because of fear of when it will get its “next meal”. In addition, if the individual “falls off the tracks” in regards to their weight loss program and gains back the weight they lost, they will most likely gain back more than what they initially lost, because once again, the body fears that it will not survive if put into another “starvation mode” and so uses the increased weight to protect itself.

You can go back to the way you were eating after discontinuing the program.  

As was mentioned above, without appropriate diet and lifestyle changes, one cannot maintain weight loss. Therefore if you are eating more restricted and suddenly go back to the way you were eating before, you are more likely to gain weight. That being said, that does not mean you can never have a treat or have a cheat day. As I tell many patients, everything in moderation, including exercising and diet. You have to adopt a diet and lifestyle that will ultimately be realistic for you.

You can severely restrict calories for some time and still be healthy.  

Once again, this myth is debunked by the explanation behind the debunking of the second myth. You will put your body into a starvation mode with severely restricted calories, resulting in an overall weight gain.

You can take a pill and it will help you to lose weight and keep it off.

Anything that causes you to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week is not sustainable. This includes various weight loss supplements. In addition, many of the weight loss supplements that do have profound effects have ingredients in them that can be harmful when taken long term. A naturopathic doctor may choose to put you on a supplement to help you through a plateau season, but beyond that, supplements will not help you maintain weight loss in a realistic manner.

Bottom Line: Aside from changing your diet, exercise and lifestyle, you cannot be guaranteed to maintain the weight loss that you gain. In order to keep it off, you need to maintain a lifestyle that consists of healthy dietary habits; adequate exercise; and appropriate lifestyle measures including adequate sleep, stress management, and everything in moderation. If you are interested in achieving weight loss that will work for you, consider contacting myself, and let me help you develop a weight loss strategy that will help you maintain the weight loss that you acquire.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Elisha Cook via the contact portion of this website.

Naturopathic Approaches to Weight Loss

Girl - Weight LossMany individuals struggle with weight loss, or simply want to lose a couple extra pounds. This process can be simple for some, and challenging for others. Weight loss can also differ between individuals based on various circumstances including having certain medical conditions, mobility issues, work conflicts, etc. However, there are treatments that can help, that can be provided through your naturopathic doctor. A Naturopathic doctor can use the following therapies to achieve therapeutic benefits for weight loss:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Nutrition, Diet and Lifestyle
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Physical Medicine

Ultimately, the goal of treatment will be to treat the root cause of disease. For the goal of weight loss, one might argue that there is no root cause, but this may not be true. There is a reason why individuals gain weight in the first place, whether it is due to stress, increased food intake, or developing a medical condition. As a result, the following list offers examples as to what goals might be developed for a treatment plan for an individual:

  • Treat any concurrent medical conditions
  • Correct for deficiencies
  • Reduce stress or Improve stress management
  • Improve coping mechanisms
  • Improve mood
  • Alter lifestyle and diet
  • Increase exercise
  • Increase metabolism
  • Improve mobility
  • Improve gut microbiology and digestion

How can Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) help?

TCM views the body differently than western medicine. TCM theory suggests that when there is an imbalance in the body system, disease manifests. Each “organ” is associated with an emotion: Heart with joy and is the center of one’s personality, liver with anger, spleen with worry, lungs with grief, and kidneys with fear. All of these emotions can contribute to stress, and therefore difficulties to lose weight. By correcting this disbalance, stress can be addressed, making it easier for some to lose weight. In addition, each organ can be affected by various factors from a TCM perspective, including dampness. Dampness can cause an overall sensation of heaviness and lethargy, as well as contribute to increased weight. By addressing any dampness in an individual’s system, it may help the individual to be able to lose weight.

Once a specific diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is created, and may involve using acupuncture, herbal formulas, diet, or lifestyle, all with the purpose of bringing the body back into a state of balance.

Specifically regarding acupuncture, acupuncture has been shown in some studies to be beneficial for decreasing appetite in individuals who are looking to lose weight. Specifically, in this particular study, 95% of individuals found that there appetite decreased with the aid of acupuncture (

How can Botanical Medicine help?

Botanical formulas have similar effects to medications, often without the side effects, however this is not true for all herbs and plants. Specific herbs or plants will be selected based on their properties and combined based on the specific individual’s struggles with weight loss. For example, one person may need help with coping with stress in order to lose weight, where another individual may need more energy in order to lose weight. Some beneficial properties that some useful herbs may have include: nervine, anti – depressant effect, sedative, adaptogenic, and metabolism boosting effects.

Much research has been conducted on herbs used for weight loss, many of which should not be taken lightly. The research is positive for such herbs as caffeine and ephedra and their contribution to weight loss, however, many people can have ill health effects from their use (

How can Nutrition and Diet help?

One cannot talk about weight loss without talking about diet and nutrition. If an individual wants to lose weight, it is important for the individual to have some changes in their diet. Your naturopathic doctor can help you to make those changes, and make them realistic for your specific lifestyle. In addition, a naturopathic doctor can help you to correct for specific nutritional deficiencies, which may contribute to aiding in overall energy. Based on your specific case, several classes of action may be recommended for you, and thus foods or supplements recommended. These actions might include: anti-oxidant, mood – boosting, energy-boosting, or anti – inflammatory.

As one can imagine, much research has been conducted regarding diet and its role in weight loss. In one particular study, diet and exercise alone contributed to an 8% loss in body fat and 16% improvement in cardiovascular health (

How can Hydrotherapy help?

Hydrotherapy involves alternating hot and cold water applications to achieve the following goals: promote detoxification and relaxation, increase circulation, improve immune system functioning, promote digestion, increase metabolism, and decrease pain. Based on all of the following actions, hydrotherapy could be beneficial for weight loss by addressing the various contributing factors to weight gain. In addition, hydrotherapy may be beneficial for inducing weight loss in and of itself.

Hydrotherapy can be performed via a number of methods: constitutional hydrotherapy, sauna, peat bath, Epsom salt baths, or alternating hot and cold showers. These therapies may not be available at every naturopathic doctor’s clinic, but if you are interested in these therapies, they can be performed by myself, Elisha Cook, at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (416-498-9763).

Very little evidence has surfaced for the efficacy of hydrotherapy and its role in weight loss. However, from a mechanistic view, hydrotherapy could be beneficial for weight loss in helping with the body’s detoxification process. Specifically, saunas can provide a means to help individuals with weight loss and detoxification. In the following study, individuals who incorporated sauna treatments with their exercise regimes lost 3% more of body fat than those who exercised alone (

How can Homeopathy help?

Homeopathy is an energy medicine that involves finite doses of a substance that are diluted in water, which amount to a higher therapeutic dose overall. In this form of medicine, individualized remedies are chosen based on the individual’s specific symptoms and presentation. Each person requires a different remedy based on their unique presentation. Homeopathy does not interact with any medications, making it quite useful especially if you are taking other medications.

There is very little research on the use of homeopathy for weight loss specifically, and the research is not very impressive, suggesting that there may be mild weight reductions ( However, research does suggest homeopathy being beneficial for pain, stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which could contribute to weight gain and lack of weight loss ( 

How can Physical Medicine help?

Physical medicine involves a number of different potential therapies. These therapies might include massage, naturopathic manipulation, ultrasound, laser therapy, electroacupuncture, or Gua Sha. The general effect of these therapies includes relaxation, increased circulation, decreased pain, increased metabolism, and decreased inflammation. Similar to what was mentioned above, weight loss can be obstructed by various factors that should be addressed. Specifically in regards to weight loss, research has shown that massage and manipulation can be beneficial in helping individuals to lose fat (;jsessionid=0AE2C7CC7AC94828461CA98BABA80853.f02t02?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false).

How can Lifestyle changes help?

Various lifestyle factors can play a role in weight gain. By helping individuals to improve sleep, scheduling, stress management, and adopt an exercise regime that fits their lifestyle, one can move closer to achieving their weight loss goals. Naturopathic doctors are trained to help individuals through lifestyle counselling, and can use methods such as motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioural therapy to do so.

Research is quite extensive regarding exercise and its role in weight loss. As mentioned above, one particular study suggests that individuals who partake in exercise alone can lose approximately 8% of their body fat (

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC (416-498-9763), and let me help you achieve your health goals.